To express my gratitude, I will be offering 20% off all yarns on September 20th & 21st (see the "fine print" below.) I hope you get to take advantage of this sale. I will not be in the store on these days, Kadie and Meghan will be working for me and will be glad to assist you.
This is a great time to stock up for your Holiday knitting which isn't far away! & will help make room for some of the new yarns that are coming in.
We may not be able to wind yarns on these days so please understand if Kadie and Meghan don't have time. We are always glad to wind our yarns for you if we have the time. Note: Yarn-winding is 75¢ per hank for yarns purchased outside of the shop due to the wear and tear on our equipment as we have had to replace some parts on our swift recently. I do hope you understand this new policy.
books, patterns, special orders, currently held items or yarns already on sale.
All Sales are Final, no exchanges or returns.