Caring for our Community
Distributing with Dignity
We are collecting Feminine Hygiene products for the Distributing with Dignity Program. We are a drop off location for these desperately needed items to be collected. We will be taking donations from Feb. 1 - 28, 2019. Once collected they will be equally distributed to the Women's Shelter Home of Caldwell County and Yokefellow of Caldwell County.
Items most needed are: -Sanitary pads and napkins -Tampons -Ladies underwear -Incontinence Products -Toothbrushes and toothpaste -Deodorant -Cleansing wipes -toilet paper |
Yarnbombing with A Cause

Inspired by the yarn bombing group “Dropping Stitches to Make a Better World”, we are now collecting: scarves, hats and gloves to be yarn bombed all over Lenoir! These items can made for men, women and children. We will be collecting them at the shop throughout the year. As we distribute the items, there will be a note attached to each one letting people know they can take it to keep warm. We hope you can help with this worthy cause!
There are two ways to participate:
To view our previous Community Care Yarn Bombing click here.
There are two ways to participate:
- Simply drop off any scarves, gloves or hats you wish to donate at Chix with Stix. The items can be hand made or store bought. If you need yarn to make a project, please contact us and we will do what we can to help.
- Volunteer to go yarn bombing. Let us know that you want to help distribute the collected items and we will contact you when we have gathered enough to go out and decorate the town.
To view our previous Community Care Yarn Bombing click here.
Souper Bowl Stitch Canned Goods Drive
Our Souper Bowl party was a great success. We collected 100.1 pounds of canned foods to help those in our community! A Big Thanks to Pat J. for delivering the food to the Yokefellow center for us. We couldn't have done this without all of our amazing customers support. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Thank You and Hat Project for McCreary Cancer Center
A representative from The Wig Bank of Caldwell County came by and picked up the Knitted Knockers that everyone had so generously made. They also sent us a very kind thank you note, which we have included below.
When they stopped in they let us know that the McCreary Cancer Center, in partnership with The Wig Bank, would like to collect hats for the patients that are receiving treatment there. They have several beanie/toboggan style hats and are requesting funky, fun, brightly colored hats to help cheer the spirits during the colder, sometimes dreary weather that is ahead of us. These hats will bring joy, comfort, and warmth to those that are fighting cancer. These hats can have brims, be fuzzy, be silly, or be fun, just something different. We will collect these until December 1, 2017, at which time we will drop them off at the Cancer Center. Thanks in advance for your help with this project.
When they stopped in they let us know that the McCreary Cancer Center, in partnership with The Wig Bank, would like to collect hats for the patients that are receiving treatment there. They have several beanie/toboggan style hats and are requesting funky, fun, brightly colored hats to help cheer the spirits during the colder, sometimes dreary weather that is ahead of us. These hats will bring joy, comfort, and warmth to those that are fighting cancer. These hats can have brims, be fuzzy, be silly, or be fun, just something different. We will collect these until December 1, 2017, at which time we will drop them off at the Cancer Center. Thanks in advance for your help with this project.
Preemie Project
Our preemie blanket project was very well received. Kerry M. delivered these for us and spearheaded the project. This quote is from the NCIU fundraiser group: "They were very grateful!! Thank you and Chix with Stix for the truly beautiful blankets!!!" Thank you to all who participated. They were very much appreciated and fulfilled a need.
Knitted Knockers
We are making Knitted Knockers as our next Community Cares Project. Knitted Knockers are special handmade breast prosthesis for women who have undergone mastectomies or other procedures to the breast. We will collect these at the store from now until November 12, when we will donate them in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a way for us to show our support and love to those affected by this disease. Free patterns are available on Knitted Knockers website. Thank you for your help with this project.
Washcloth Christmas Trees & Donation Plans

If you saw our windows during Christmas, you will have seen our trees were made with green washcloths made by our Chix customers. Thank you so much for the time and effort everyone put into this project. We are getting ready to distribute these to local charitable organizations like The Shelter Home of Caldwell County and LEO's Place. Before donating these we would like to include some personal hygiene products for the individuals who receive these washcloths. We have priced bulk toiletries on Amazon and have founds some amazing deals. If 30 people contribute $5 we will be able to prepare 144 care packages for the people in our community that need them the most. We will be collecting funds for this project until January 30th.

Community is at the heart of all we do, it's our inspiration and motivation. We recognize that supporting the greater community, in those ways that we are uniquely capable, enriches us all. Our knitting community regularly collaborates on such projects in the spirit of unity, kinship and goodwill. Please browse current opportunities to contribute to the care of our greater community below. Likewise, we welcome requests from organizations who could use our help.